+880 2588834373-7 +88 01915478228
KYAMCH, OPD, Room 104

Abul Bashar Mohammed Moniruddin, FCPS (S), MBBS (Dhaka)



General Surgery


FCPS (S), MBBS (Dhaka)



  1. 1. A review article ‘Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence in Female: An Update’.
    Bangladesh Journal of Urology, Jan 2007. 10(1): 19-24.
    2. A review article. ‘Pseudomembranous Colitis’, Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioners
    Journal, July 2008. 14(2):112-118.
    3. An original article ‘Problems of Grandmultiparity’. Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioners
    Journal, July 2008. 14(2):93-98.
    4. A case report ‘A healthy pregnancy following chemotherapy for dysgerminoma’. Journal of
    Armed Forces Medical College, Bangladesh, Dec 2008. 4(2): 42-43.
    5. A case report ‘Quadruplet Pregnancy: A rare occurrence’. Bangladesh Journal of Child Health,
    Dec 2008. 32(3): 110-113.
    6. A case report ‘PneumatosisCystoidesIntestinales, simulating perforation of a gas containing
    hollow viscus”. Journal of Surgical Sciences. Jan 2009. 13(1):46-49.
    7. A review article ‘Environmental & Nutritional Aspects in Male Infertility’. Journal of
    Medicine, Jan 2009. 10(1): 16-19.
    8. Case series “Millennium Development Goals 4 & 5 (MDGs 4 & 5): Where We Are And
    What Needs To Be Done”. Medicine Today. Jan 2009. 21(1): 32-36.
    9. A review article ‘Inferior Vena Caval Thrombosis: An Update’. Bangladesh Private Medical
    Practitioners Journal, July 2009. 15(2):96-100.
    10. A review article ‘Management of Abdominal Trauma in Children: An Update’. Medicine
    Today, July 2009. Vol 21(02): 85-89.
    11. A case report ‘Actinomycosis: a rare disease’. Journal of Medicine, Jan 2010. 11(1):74-77.
    12. A case report ‘Accidental Division Of both Rectus Abdominis muscles, Urinary Bladder,
    Small Gut in a SixtyFour months Old Child In a Rural Area Of Bangladesh’. Journal of Surgical
    Sciences, Jan 2010. 14 (1): 46-51.
    13. A case report ‘Bilateral Lumbar Sympathectomy Plus Stoppage of Smoking are helpful in
    Alleviating Symptoms of Buerger’s Disease’. Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioner’s Journal,
    Jan 2010. 16(1):80-85.
    14. A review article ‘Actinomycosis: An Update’. Medicine Today, Jan 2010. Vol 22(1):43-47.
    15. A review article ‘Buerger’s Disease (ThromboangitisObliterans): An Update’. Medicine
    Today, Jan 2011. 23(1):51-54.
    16. A case Report ‘Agenesis of Gall Bladder Mistaken for Calculous Cholecystitis: a rare case
    report’. Journal of Surgical Sciences, July 2011. 15(2):55-57.
    17. A review article ‘Role of Vitamin E in menstrual pain / dysmenorrhoea’. International
    Medical College Journal, Jan-June 2011. 1(1):26-30.
    18. An original article ‘Changes in Gall Bladder Wall in Chronic Cholecystitis’. International
    Medical College Journal, Jan-June 2011. 1(1):10-16.
    19. An editorial ‘Climate Change: Ozone Layer Depletion & its effects on Human Civilization’.
    International Medical College Journal, July-Dec 2011. 1(2): 3-4.
    20. An original Article ‘Ultrasonographic Spectrum of Patients with Testicular Pathology at a
    Tertiary Care Hospital’. International Medical College Journal, July-Dec 2011. 1(2): 17-18.
    21. A review article ‘Assessment System in Medical Education’. International Medical College
    Journal, July-Dec 2011. 1(2): 23-28.
    22. A case Report, “Atypical Presentation of Genital Tuberculosis’. International Medical
    College Journal, July-Dec 2011. 1(2): 29-32.

    23. A review article ‘Nosocomial Infections’. International Medical College Journal, January-
    July 2012. 2(1): 23-28.
    24. A review Article ‘Assessment of students in Surgery’. Prime Medical College Journal, Jan
    2012. 2(1): 16-23.
    25. An editorial “Stratospheric Ozone Vs Tropospheric Ozone –Their impacts on Health”.Prime
    Medical College Journal, July 2012. Vol 2(2):1-4.
    26. A Special Article “Uses & Abuses of Antibiotics”. Prime Medical College Journal, January
    2013. Vol 3(1): 38-42.
    27. A review article ‘Anemia in Pregnancy’. Medicine Today, January 2014. Vol 26(1):49-52.
    28. A review article ‘Pregnancy in Hepatitis B’. Bangladesh Private Medical Practitioners
    Journal. Jan 2014. 20(1):46-53.
    29. A review article ‘Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: An Update’. KYAMC Journal, July 2018,
    30. A review article ‘Gastrointestinal Fistulae’. KYAMC Journal, July 2018. 9(2):87-94.
    31. An editorial ‘Antibiotics: Uses, Underuses, Misiuses, Abuses’. KYAMC Journal, July 2018.
    9(2): 41-42.
    32. A Case Report ‘Adult Intussusception Due to Inflammatory Fibroid Polyp
    –Vanek’sTumour’. KYAMC Journal, Jan 2019. 9(4):190-193.
    33. An original article ‘Sonologic Evaluation of First Trimester Bleeding’. KYAMC Journal,
    April 2019. 10 (1):25-30.
    34. An editorial ‘Lessons from The History of Medicine’, KYAMC Journal, July 2019. 10 (2): -
    35. A Case Report ‘Sigmoid Resection and Primary Anastomosis Without Any Diversion Or
    Exteriorization For Impacted FB In Sigmoid Colon’, KYAMC Journal, Jan 2020. 10 (4):214-
    36. An editorial ‘Diet and Health’, KYAMC Journal, January2020, Vol 10 (4):171-172.
    37. An editorial ‘Control and Prevention Of Noncommunicable Diseases’, KYAMC Journal,
    July 2021. 12(2): 56-58.
    38. A review article ‘Atypical presentations of Appendicitis’ KYAMC Journal, July 2021, Vol
    12(2): 101-106.
    39. A case report ‘Umbolith: A Rare Case of Umbilical Lithiasis in Adult’. KYAMC Journal,
    July 2021. 12(2): 111-113.
    40. An editorial ‘Medical Wastes-A Dangerous Health Hazard In Bangladesh’. KYAMC Journal,
    Oct 2021; 12(3):114-116.
    41. A review article ‘COVID-19 and Surgery’. KYAMC Journal. Oct 2021;12(3): 172-181.
    42. A case report ‘Acute Small gut obstruction as an atypical presentation of Acute Appendicitis
    without rupture or perforation of the appendix’. Journal of Bangladesh College of Physicians &
    Surgeons, October 2021. 39(4):261-265.
    43. An editorial ‘Lessons Learned from The Prevailing COVID-19 Pandemic’, KYAMC Journal,
    Jan 2022. 12(4): 187-189.
    44. A review article ‘Cutaneous Endometriosis’. KYAMC Journal. Jan 2022;12(4): 243-249.
    45. A review article “Umbilical Discharge”. KYAMC Journal. April 2022; 13(01):50-55.
    46. A Case Report “Primary Umbilical Endometriosis (Villar’s Nodule): A Rare Symptomatic
    Umbilical Pathology in An Adult Woman”. KYAMC Journal, April 2022; 13(01):56-60.
    47. An Original Article “Clinical Pattern and Outcome of Neonates with Surgical Problems in
    Dhaka Medical College Hospital”. KYAMC Journal, July 2022. 13(02): 86-93.

    48. A Review Article “Covid-19: Learning Updates”. KYAMCJournal. Oct 2022;13(3):175-178.
    49.An editorial ‘Xenobiotics: Dangerous Hazards To Health And Ecosystem’, KYAMC Journal,
    Jan 2023;13(4):189-191.
    50. A Review Article, ‘Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis”, KYAMC Journal, Jan
    51. An editorial ‘Human Health Benefits from Probiotics’, KYAMC Journal, April
    52. An editorial ‘Alarming Trends of Dengue in 2023’, KYAMC Journal, July
    53. A Review Article, ‘Granular Cell Tumors”, KYAMC Journal, July 2023;14(2):96-101.
    54.A Case Report “Intersphincteric Resection of Rectum for Non-neural Ulcerated Large
    Granular Cell Tumor”. KYAMC Journal, October 2023;14(3):181-187.
    55. An editorial ‘Brief History of Safe Surgery’, KYAMC Journal, KYAMC Journal,
    October 2023;14(3):109-110.
    56. A Review Article, ”Colorectal And Anorectal Foreign Bodies”, KYAMC Journal, Jänuary