+880 2588834373-7 +88 01915478228
Room no. 212

Professor Dr. Md. Mahmudul Haque, MBBS, MPH



Community Medicine





  1. Nutritional Status of the children of 5-14 years in selected arsenic exposed and non-exposed areas in Bangladesh
  2. Essential Public Health Functions in Bangladesh
  3. Unmet needs of family planning and practice of family planning in a selected rural to urban migrated population of Dhaka city
  4. Public Health Workforce in Bangladesh
  5. Evaluation of Dietary Management in various Private and public Hospitals in Bangladesh
  6. Nosocomial infection among pediatric patients in tertiary level Hospitals of Dhaka city;
  7. Role of Mass Media in Disseminating Knowledge of Public Health among the Population of Bangladesh
  8. State of Service Delivery and Utilization of Services in Selected Community Clinics
  9. Depression among Elderly People Living in Old Homes and with Families: A Comparative Study


  1. Study on cause and consequences of internal migration from rural to urban areas
  2. Quality care services provided to the tuberculosis patients in selected TB treatment centers
  3. Internal migration and its effects on the family, social norms and values
  4. Characteristics of relapse pulmonary tuberculosis cases of selected TB control centers.
  5. Factors influencing Acute Respiratory Infection among under-5 children admitted in a selected Hospital.
  6. Bacillus anthracic: An agent of biological weapon.
  7. Acceptance of Injectable contraceptives among contraceptive users in a selected Family Planning Clinic.
  8. Health manpower status in district hospitals of Bangladesh.
  9. Use of personal protective equipment by the workers in a selected steel mill.
  10. Economic Evaluation in Health Care System.
  11. Evaluation of dietary management in a selected tertiary level public hospital.
  12. Factors influencing nutrient intake of the elderly.
  13. Brain drain- a concern of century.
  14. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice concerning sexually transmitted disease/ reproductive tract infection among the commercial sex workers in Dhaka city.
  15. Clients’ satisfaction on family planning service delivery in government and NGO situation.
  16. Patients’ Satisfaction on the Health Care Service at a private Medical College Hospital.
  17. Job satisfaction of nurses working in secondary level govt. Hospitals.
  18. Knowledge and attitude of husbands of eligible couple regarding antenatal care and safe delivery in a selected rural area of Bangladesh.
  19. X-ray exposure, health hazards and safety measures of health personnel in Govt. and Non-Govt. hospitals in Dhaka city.
  20. Impact of Field Practice in Community Medicine on Students’ Knowledge and Attitude towards Health Problems and Health Needs in the Rural Community.
  21. Rural-Urban Migration in Bangladesh: A Study in Four Selected Slums of Dhaka City.
  22. Mental Stress among Female School Teachers of Dhaka City.
  23. Health Status and Care Seeking Behavior among Elderly People in Rural Bangladesh.
  24. Glycemic Abnormalities in Patients with Hypothyroidism.
  25. Knowledge and Awareness on Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infections Among Commercial Sex Sellers in Bangladesh: Sharing A New Contour.
  26. Pattern of Injuries, Its Consequences and Concept of Injury Prevention in a Rural Community of Bangladesh.